Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Wayward, Selfish United States Senate

More than anything, the lack of integrity and moral principles in our Senate, in particular, scares me the most. It is the root of the problem with our over-sized government today. President Bush should not be the brunt of blame--rather it is our Senate who stonewalled all efforts over the last decade to regulate our large mortgage lending agencies.

All one has to do to is to look at the U.S. Senate's voting record to realize that they do not represent the voice of the people. Rather they are driven by their rich constituents who put them in office.

Too many people are drinking the "Change" Kool-Aid without the "Character" Sweetener right now. The Senate has ceased to represent the American people and instead, seek to line their own pockets. Many of these Senators should be in jail while others should be relieved for negligent leadership at the expense of our country.

I am a Patriot. I love America in good times and in bad. These challenging times we are embarking upon may be the reality check this country needs in order to refocus on important priorities and values that some of our nation's leaders have ignored while wandering astray. Remember, "Change really does matter, though governmental change in the absence of integrity equals flawed leadership with inevitable, disastrous national consequences"

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